The movement to save old-growth forests

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Each action you take is part of a strategic and coordinated effort targeting government decision-makers all across the province. From emailing Minister of Forests, Ravi Parmar, to meeting with your MLA, our united efforts will make protecting old-growth forests a priority the B.C. government can’t ignore.

The bad news is that clearcutting continues in tens of thousands of hectares of old-growth forests despite the BC NDP government’s numerous assurances. Many of these logged forests were designated as priority deferral areas that were never ultimately deferred. Instead, the B.C. government has been skewing and cherry-picking data to obscure the truth from the public, thus favouring logging companies like Canfor and West Fraser.

Regardless of how opaque the B.C. government is with their lack of action on protecting old-growth, the facts are clear:

1. Logging in old-growth forests is unsustainable
2. Logging continues in at-risk old-growth despite promises from the BC NDP government
3. The B.C. government must step up as a clear champion for the protection of old-growth immediately

Let’s turn up the heat and hold the government accountable for their actions. Constant, concerted and repeated pressure is the best way to make this an issue lawmakers cannot avoid — and we’re aiming to do just that with your help.

Thank you for Adding your voice to this petition:

To the Honourable Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, in Legislature Assembled:
The petition of the undersigned, concerned citizens states that:

  • WHEREAS the vast majority of the original, low-elevation old-growth rainforest in B.C. has already been logged;
  • WHEREAS old-growth forest in B.C. is still being logged at a rate of 41,000 hectares per year;
  • WHEREAS original rainforest provides critical habitat for wildlife, resources and economic opportunities for Indigenous Peoples and forest communities, and more carbon storage than second-growth forests;
  • and WHEREAS the B.C. forest industry has lost 22,400 jobs in the last decade (six jobs per day) and is in need of revitalization and reform in favour of ecosystems and communities;
Your petitioners respectfully request that the Honourable House protect all remaining old-growth rainforests and invest in a just transition to sustainable value-added second-growth forestry that prioritizes Indigenous Rights and local communities.