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Pacific Coast Time

Fight for Wild Salmon

Not on My Watch Film Why the fight for wild salmon is about more than fish.

A remarkable conversation with coastal Indigenous leaders and Alexandra Morton

It’s a wakeup call to all Canadians; a devastating indictment of government deceit, collusion with industry, regulatory failures and shoddy science, all of it posing dire threats to the health of Canadians.

It’s about salmon, farmed vs. wild—but it’s about much more than fish.

Not on My Watch is a brave, meticulous account of government corruption that lays bare multiple threats to our democracy, written by scientist-turned-activist, mother, and now author, Alexandra Morton. This is a gut-wrenching account of the effects of infestations and diseases spread by farmed salmon, and the declines of wild salmon runs to a mere trickle of what they once were.

The book—and this public event—arrive just as wild juvenile salmon attempt another out-migration to the ocean, past a gauntlet of disease-laden salmon farms. Will they survive? Or, like more that eighty per cent of world fish stocks, is our wild salmon fishery doomed to collapse entirely?

Join us for the online publishing premiere of Not on My Watch: How a Renegade Whale Biologist Took on Governments and Industry to Save Wild Salmon, in which Alex Morton is interviewed by writer and conservationist Ian Gill, followed by a panel discussion featuring coastal Indigenous leaders ƛiʔiik Tsimka Martin, Homiskanis Don Svanvik, and Galagame Bob Chamberlin.

A first-ever partnership between The Tyee, Upstart & Crow, Penguin Random House and Salmon Nation.
