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Zoom - Virtual Event

Frack Free BC September Organizing Call

Join the Frack Free BC September 10 Organizing Call

Join us September 10 at 5:30pm on Zoom for the next Frack Free BC organizing call. We're bringing the movement together to plan how we'll put decision-makers on the spot to combat climate denial and address B.C.’s biggest climate problem - fracking and LNG - in the coming provincial election. 

Now more than ever the choice before us is clear: we can build a safe, equitable, and sustainable economy, or we can continue to waste valuable time and taxpayer money on expanding fracking and LNG. As we choose the people who will lead us through the next 4 years, it’s essential that we hold them accountable for confronting the climate crisis by putting our communities first.

In this organizing call, we’ll kick things off with a wide range of fun, creative and effective tactic ideas for putting politicians in the hot seat.

Whether you have just a few minutes, or want to plan something big that will grab a lot of attention, join the call to learn how we'll get candidates to Answer the Fracking Question in the coming election.