
Kinder Morgan Review Participation Workshops

Curious about how to get involved in the federal review process for the proposed Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline? Intimidated by the complicated online application form?

Various Workshops and Online Webinars, go to organizations websites for info:

Jan. 29: Gabriola Island hosted by Raincoast, Gulf Island Alliance and Georgia Strait Alliance at 7pm

Jan. 30: Vancouver with Forest Ethics at 7 pm

Jan. 31: Thatis Island with Raincoast, Gulf Island Alliance and and Georgia Strait Alliance at 7 pm

Feb. 7: Pender Island with Raincoast, Gulf Island Alliance and Georgia Strait Alliance at 7 pm

Feb. 10: Vancouver with Forest Ethics at 7 pm

Feb. 10: Anywhere Webinar hosted by Sierra Club BC and Forest Ethics and Westcoast Environmental Law at 12 noon

Feb. 11: Victoria with Sierra Club BC and the Wilderness Committee at 6 pm

For more info call 604-683-8220