Event location
City Centre Community Centre (Meeting Room 2) , 5900 Minoru Blvd #105, Richmond, BC
Let's End Fracking in BC: Richmond

Community Activists in Kitsilano
Fracking is big business in BC. And as long as that continues, BC won’t be able to meet its climate goals.
Join us for a community meeting where we'll talk about how we can build the power needed to end fracking in BC. Wilderness Committee Climate Campaigner Peter McCartney will demystify the gas industry in BC with a briefing on how it is contributing to climate disasters like heat waves, floods and droughts. Our Outreach Canvass Coordinator Jason Hjalmarson will outline how you can get involved in our exciting new campaign to force the provincial government to protect people from climate disasters, abandon its plans for new LNG projects and finally end fracking in BC.
- When: 7:00pm, February 21, 2023
- Where: Meeting Room 2, City Centre Community Centre, 5900 Minoru Blvd #105, Richmond, BC