
Massey Tunnel Replacement Discussion

Alternative Open House & Panel Discussion on the Massey Tunnel Replacement Project

21st Century Solutions – Not 1980’s Thinking

The Delta-Richmond Council of Canadians invites everyone concerned with the future of our region to attend an alternative open house on the Massey Tunnel Replacement Project:  Thursday October 27 in the Multi-Purpose room of the Ladner Community Centre, 4734 51 Street  at 7 pm (doors open at 6:30)

Panelists Harold Steves (Richmond City counsellor and “father of the ALR”), Susan Jones (respected environmental advocate) and Andrew Martin (UBC School of Community & Social Planning) will examine the forces behind the project and the alternatives to this multi-billion dollar mega-development. The panel presentations will be followed by an open community discussion on alternatives and actions.

How can we work together to put an end to the 1980’s kind of thinking that views  more cars, bigger highways and sprawling development as progress? Experience in every metropolis from Los Angeles to Shanghai proves this only creates more congestion and air pollution. In the 21st century as urban populations grow and the impacts of climate change challenge us we have to find better ways to move people and products into, out of and across the region south of the Fraser and throughout the Lower Mainland.

In Delta we are already seeing the results – and costs - of climate change as sea level rises and storm surges challenge the dike system that protects our low-lying community. What do we gain if we save a few minutes on our travels into Richmond or Vancouver if we contribute to increasing air pollution, loss of farmland and global warming? And of course one has to add the cost of the bridge toll the provincial government doesn’t want to talk about. At somewhere between $5 and $10 a round-trip we could see our cost of living increase by hundreds of dollars per month. There has got to be a better way! Together our communities can do better.