
Rally Against the Massey Bridge Boondoggle

The provincial government wants the proposed $3.5 billion+ toll bridge to replace the Massey Tunnel to go unchallenged in a toothless ‘environmental assessment’. But we are going to be there at their open houses saying NO their 10-lane boondoggle and YES to investments in better transit, school earthquake upgrades, and more.

Previously the Province announced the tunnel would be retained, and that bus service would be greatly improved without delay. Adding another 2-lane tunnel was also proposed as a longer-term option. Then, suddenly, they flip flopped and abandoned this reasonable approach in favor of a 10-lane toll bridge.

Please join us! Bring your friends and a sign!

Richmond – Tuesday, Sept. 13 4 to 6 p.m.
Sandman Signature Hotel Vancouver Airport
10251 St. Edwards Drive, Richmond, B.C.

Delta – Wednesday, Sept. 14 4 to 6 p.m.
Delta Town and Country Inn
6005 Highway 17A (at Highway 99), Delta, B.C.

(Both of these open houses run from 2 to 8 pm)

YES to Saving Public Money - $3.5 Billion for a Massey Bridge could be better spent improving transit, building affordable housing, increasing school budgets, and reducing hospital wait lists.

YES to Slowing Climate Change - A 10 lane bridge would only move the traffic bottleneck into Richmond and the Oak Street Bridge. More transit more often would make it easier for people to keep moving and reduce GHG pollution.

YES to Preserving Prime Agricultural Land – Richmond’s and Delta’s land is the richest farmland in Canada and should be used to ensure British Columbia’s long-term food supply.

YES to Preserving Salmon and the Pacific Flyway - Removing the Massey Tunnel would open the Fraser up to industrialization and environmental degradation from large coal ships and tankers.

YES to Safe Travel - Seismic upgrades were made to the Massey Tunnel in 2007 and transportation experts say the tunnel is good for another 50 years.
