
Rally at Taseko's Offices

Join a Flash Mob dance in front of Taseko's Vancouver office. This will be a "ceremony and movement  to express to the Federal and Provincial governments and the mining industry that destruction of land, water and culture won’t be tolerated, and Fish Lake will remain pristine and protected!"

Tsilhqot’in people have spent three decades defending Fish Lake/Teztan Biny, Nabas and the upper Dasiqox/Taseko watershed from the threat of a massive open-pit gold and copper mine.

Thousands of non-indigenous people and countless organizations have stood with the Tsilhqot’in to oppose the mine.  In 2010 and 2013, two independent federal environmental review Panels investigated the mine proposal.

After careful assessment and spending months hearing testimonies of locals and environmental scientists – the independent panels have condemned the proposal, TWICE! YET THE FEDERAL & PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS AND THE COMPANY ARE STILL CONSIDERING THE PROJECT.

11:30am • meet at Vancouver Art Gallery on the ROBSON STREET side
12 noon  • ceremony at the Taseko Mine’s office:
1040 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories

What To Do?
Watch the instructional videos in order on the website: http://ceremonyflashmob.wix.com/dec13 .  Learn what the vision is and then practice the dance and look at the dance breakdown.  Get your friends and family together to practice!  Gather BLUE sheets, towels, or large scarves.  Choose a RED outfit to wear.
Tell all your people about it, and come on out December 13th!
Facebook Event at https://m.facebook.com/events/399603263506395
