
Rally for the Walbran Valley in Victoria

We are holding a rally for the Walbran Valley on Tuesday, July 7th at noon at the Ministry of Forests office.

The provincial government has the power to reject Teal Jones' application to log old-growth rainforest in the heart of the Walbran Valley -- lets make some noise at the Ministry of Forests office and demand they do just that!


Tuesday, July 7th at 12:00pm
780 Blanshard Street
Victoria, BC
Globally important old-growth rainforest in the Walbran Valley is at risk, and we need urgent action to protect it!
Last fall, after finding new surveying tape in the unprotected central Walbran Valley, we contacted logging company Teal Jones to ask what its plans were. We stressed the ecological importance and scarcity of old-growth forests, and we asked that the company select another location in its large forest tenure.
About a month ago, Teal Jones sent us a map that showed eight new cutblocks on the north side of the Walbran River – the most extensive valley-bottom old-growth stand in the entire Walbran Valley. The company has completely disregarded our request and is now targeting one of the last contiguous intact old-growth forests on southern Vancouver Island. Just last week Teal Jones submitted an application for its first cutblock permit.
Teal Jones is choosing to re-ignite the War in the Woods, but the provincial government has the power to stop this. And it’s up to us to pressure them to do so.
Grassroots campaigning and public pressure have a history of success when it comes to protecting old-growth forests. The Carmanah Valley and a portion of the Walbran were protected in 1993, after a fierce Wilderness Committee campaign and support from concerned citizens like you.
We can do this again, and protect what’s left of the Walbran Valley’s ancient forest!
Please take action by attending the Rally for the Walbran Valley and writing a letter to demand that Premier Christy Clark deny permits for old-growth logging in the Walbran Valley.