Secwepemc Trans Mountain Sacred Site Info Webinar

The industry-captured Canadian Energy Regulator has granted the federally-owned Trans Mountain pipeline permission to dig through the heart of Pipsell, or Jacko Lake, near Kamloops. This has infuriated Secwépemc elders, hereditary leaders and community members who have long opposed pipeline construction of any kind through their territories and say the nation has never given its consent. It also broke a promise made to Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc who made a trenchless crossing of their most sacred site a condition of an agreement with the company.
Join us on Thursday, Dec. 7 at 6 PM for a webinar featuring speakers from Secwépemc and neighbouring nations who will share more about the importance of this sacred site. They will let us know about plans to protect Pipsell and what you can do to help.