
Site C Rally Victoria

Honour the treaties - STOP SITE RALLY!

Breaking news! We have just learned that federal Justice Minister, Jody Wilson-Raybould—who has attended the Paddle for the Peace twice—will be speaking at the federal Liberal Party convention in Victoria TODAY!

Join everyone for a lightning rally at the main entrance to the Crystal Garden on Douglas Street
This is an amazing opportunity to remind the federal Liberals of their campaign promise to honour treaty rights. The federal government has the power to halt Site C dam, the biggest violation of Treaty and Aboriginal rights in this country right now.

Main entrance to the Crystal Garden at 713 Douglas Street

Bring signs!  Signs and banners with a message about honouring the treaties will be especially effective as a visual message.
Having the Liberal caucus right here in Victoria is a unique opportunity—let’s make hay while the sun shines!

From Ana Simeon, Peace Valley Campaigner and Sierra Club BC
