
Stand up for Public Access to the Walbran Valley: Rally & Court Hearing

Teal Jones, the logging company working overtime to cut the heart out of the Walbran Valley, is also trying to bar public access to the Valley for citizens obeying the law and not participating in blockades. On January 4th at 9:45am, Teal Jones will be at the Victoria Courthouse applying to extend its injunction for another nine months.

We’ll be there too, to show that the public has a right to access the Walbran Valley and see the threatened old-growth forests that stand there.

Join us at 9:00am for a rally and group photo, then come on inside the courtroom and witness the proceedings.

On December 14th, Teal Jones attempted to have its original injunction (applied for on November 24th) extended until September. The Justice denied this request, instead extending the injunction until January 4th.

This is another attempt from Teal Jones to bar public access from the Walbran Valley, and we’ll be there to speak out against the destruction of this world-class old-growth rainforest!

The Walbran is in the traditional territory of the Pacheedaht First Nation.

Monday, January 4th @ 9:00am -  Rally and photo
9:30am Enter courtroom for 9:45am hearing

Victoria Provincial Court, 850 Burdett Avenue
Lekwungen Territories

*This event will be strictly peaceful and respectful, and not in any way targeted at the BC Court.

Organized by Sierra Club BC & Friends of Carmanah/Walbran