
Stop the KM Bailout

Stop the Kinder Morgan Bailout with Musical Chairs

Hosted by Peter McCartney, Climate Campaigner of the Wilderness Committee

At the Liberal Party of Canada in BC Offices, 460-580 Hornby Street

What a wild month it's been! In April, Kinder Morgan announced it would abandon its pipeline and oil tanker project by May 31 unless it could get certainty it would be able to complete it.

Since then, communities across the country have been turning up the heat on their Liberal MPs to tell Prime Minister Trudeau not to bail out a project that puts the coast at risk, fuels climate change and tramples Indigenous rights.

With the deadline fast approaching, we need Liberal MPs in British Columbia to be worried. We've rallied outside their offices, we've taken out radio ads, we've made thousands of phone calls... Now it's time for a bit of street theatre!

Join us at lunchtime on May 31 outside the Liberal Party of Canada's downtown offices at 580 Hornby Street for a game of Musical Chairs — with British Columbia's 18 Liberal MPs (in masks). All are welcome to attend but we mostly need the stars of the show!

As these MPs fight to survive while their seats are pulled away from them, hopefully they will think twice about staking their political futures — and our taxpayer money — chasing a proposal that even Kinder Morgan realizes is dead in the water.

Our goal is to give the media some pointed visuals to use in reporting about the deadline and deal. We also want to strike some fear in the Liberal staffers who will be watching us from above, and most of all in the MPs who continue to support this reckless, unwanted proposal.
