
Stop Site C: Urgent Rally

Hosted by Force of Nature, Climate Convergnce Vancouver, FightC, Peace Valley and Sierra Club

In front of BC Hydro Offies, 333 Dunsmuir at Homer Street

Join in and make your voices heard now to Stop the Site C Dam! No new contracts, no evictions, respect Indigenous rights!

Please be respectful of BC Hydro employees who need to enter and exit the building. We stand in solidarity with the workers. We're sending a message to those at the top who have the power to stop forced evictions, respect Indigenous rights and save BC Hydro ratepayers $2 billion.

Bring a sign and a picnic lunch. Come early, the rally will begin at noon.

The results of the BC election are clear: Almost sixty per cent of voters called for a review or cancellation of the Site C dam. Their concerns must be honoured by BC Hydro and the incumbent government.

There is no political mandate to push the dam further. There is no economic case to push it further. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/site-c-suspension-ubc-report-1.4074750

The project can still be stopped. We have a government-in-waiting that will review the dam. The current government has no social license to authorize BC Hydro to award new contracts. This project violates both Treaty 8 and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and construction could and should be stopped on that basis alone.

The Boons and Meeks, farm families in the Peace, have had their evictions postponed till the end of June. But if road realignment work continues, they remain in danger of losing their homes. This work would also cause devastating and irreversible harms to First Nations’ grave sites and cultural heritage.

In just a few short weeks, a $2 billion construction contract could be also be signed by BC Hydro, locking Hydro customers into even higher Hydro bills even if Site C is shelved.

Premier Clark must not allow BC Hydro to award any new dam contracts before the BC Utilities Commission concludes its review of the Site C dam.

The incoming government has committed to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the calls-to-action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Tsilhqot’in Supreme Court decision. In light of these commitments, destructive activities that harm First Nations’ heritage should be stopped immediately. Site C must not be built without free, prior, and informed consent from all First Nations whose traditional territories and Treaty rights will be affected by the project.

This event is held in solidarity with the members of the Treaty 8 First Nations who have been fighting the Site C dam, and in particular with West Moberly and Prophet River. To donate to the Nun Wa Dee Stewards of the Land for their legal costs, please go to stakeinthepeace.com. We also encourage you to read the recent letter from Chief Lynette Tsakoza of Prophet River First Nation and Chief Roland Willson of West Moberly First Nation: https://www.desmog.ca/sites/beta.desmogblog.com/files/2017-06-07%20FNs%20%28Re%20Cache%20Creek%20Unlawful%2C%20Risks%20Overstated%29%20BCH%20and%20Premier%20-%20NWD%206502.pdf.

This event takes place on the traditional, unceded, occupied territories of the səlil̓wətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.