US Border Rally
Union of BC Indian Chiefs believes the "Idle No More Movement" will continue to gain momentum and he will be ralllying at the US border crossing in south Vancouver.
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip says an event will take place at the Peace Arch border crossing and he says the will shout downs of rail lines, blockades on highways as the one in Sarnia, ON. and certian intercecssions.
"It will feature, without question, hundreds and hundreds of indigenous people will converge at the Peace Arch in support of Idle No More movement" Say Grand Cheif Stewart Phillip.
They will be offering prayers for safety, health and well beingfor Chief Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat who is on a hunger strike and give expression to the myriad of issues that underlie the Idle No More movement.
Saturdays rally will coincide with border rallies across the country including one Osoyoos which are designed to draw attention to the federal government's treatment of First Nations.
Grassroot activisim will gather through 2013 as supporters fight the federal government omnibus budget legislation and extend their issues such as equality and treaty rights.
The rally at Peace Arch will start at 1pm and they do not plan to stop traffic flow.