
Walk the Line - Energy East Day Hike

Join the Wilderness Committee for a day hike along the proposed route of the TransCanada Energy East pipeline, which runs through Manitoba's Whiteshell Provincial Park. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

FEEL the bursting spring energy in Manitoba’s favorite provincial park.
HEAR what the proposed Energy East tar sands pipeline means for the province.
SEE Falcon Lake, West Hawk Lake and other areas Energy East will put at risk in Whiteshell.

And LEARN what you can do in Manitoba to protect our park and our province from this fossil fuel folly. 

Hike departs at 10:30 a.m. from Falcon Lake area in Whiteshell Park. Day trip ends at 4 p.m. in Whiteshell Park.

Trip cost (includes lunch): $20.

Carpooling will be arranged from Winnipeg.

You must register and pay to reserve your spot – registration deadline is May 25.

To register, email contactmb@wildernesscommittee.org or call (204) 942-9292.

This is a WC Wilderness Witness Tour

RSVP and invite your friends via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/349687621887274/349687935220576/