
Wild Salmon Celebration

Join MP Fin Donnelly for a film screening of "The Breach" and salmon BBQ  to raise awareness of the importance of wild salmon to our coastal communities, ecology and economy.

Fin has long fought for moving open net fish farms to closed containment and this event will help drive home the need to take action on the federal level.

We are excited to host director Mark Titus and screen his acclaimed film, “The Breach,” and host a discussion with community activists about what we can do to save wild salmon.

Where: Inlet Theatre, 100 Newport Dr, Port Moody
- 6:00PM BBQ - By Donation (Suggested $10-$15)

*All donations will go to the Port Moody Ecological Society, managers of the Noons Creek Hatchery

 - 7:30pm Film Screening

- 9:00pm Discussion with MP Fin Donnelly and Director Mike Titus

RSVP: Scroll down for online form
