Koksilah River Grove, Cowichan Valley

A group of people walking down a forest. Text on the image says "Koksilah River Grove. May 25. Cowichan Tribes Territory." End of image description.

Come for a day hike to a small but spectacular old-growth Douglas-fir grove close to Victoria

The Koksilah River Grove is a small remnant patch of old-growth forest west of Shawnigan Lake in Cowichan Tribes Territory, about an hour north of Victoria. This region is heavily logged, and the Koksilah Grove stands as a reminder of this rare and critical forest ecosystem.

These day hikes are meant to provide access to old-growth forests via shorter, more accessible trips that don’t require multi-day commitments and work components. If you haven’t spent much time in old-growth forests, and are looking for an easier way to visit one of these ecosystems and learn more about their importance from dedicated Wilderness Committee staff, this trip is for you!

The trailhead is about a 90-minute drive from Victoria and the total hiking time into the grove is about 40 minutes over a path of moderate difficulty.

Volunteers will carpool from Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo or elsewhere and rendezvous in Shawnigan Lake before driving in a convoy to the trailhead.




The Wilderness Committee will organize the carpools and cover fuel costs for drivers. Volunteers will be required to bring a backpack with warm clothes with extra layers, sturdy hiking boots or shoes, at least 1.5 litres of water and a hearty snack to eat along the way.

  • 9 a.m. Carpools depart Victoria or Nanaimo (departure time earlier or later if coming from closer or farther away)
  • 10 a.m. Rendezvous in Shawnigan Lake (location TBA)
  • 10:30-10:45 a.m. Begin the hike at trailhead, visit and spend time in the old-growth grove and along the Koksilah River
  • 1:00-1:45 p.m. Return to the trailhead, then drive back to rendezvous spot in Shawnigan Lake
  • 3:30 p.m. Return to Victoria or elsewhere