MB Votes 2019: Will you commit to producing action plans for all 15 ranges of boreal caribou in Manitoba within 18 months of being elected?
Responses to environmental candidate survey for the 2019 Manitoba provincial election.
Full question: Although boreal woodland caribou are protected under the federal Species at Risk Act, the Manitoba government has failed to meet the deadline to produce action plans to protect their habitat. Will you commit to producing action plans for all 15 ranges of boreal caribou in Manitoba within 18 months of being elected?
Manitoba NDP

The Manitoba NDP central office sent a response on behalf of all of their candidates.
We have produced action plans for boreal caribou species at risk in the past and are committed to doing so again in the future if elected. Our party is committed to supporting the Endangered Species Act and the Species At Risk Act.
Manitoba Liberal Party

The Manitoba Liberal Party central office sent a response on behalf of most Liberal candidates. See exceptions below.
For the past 50 years, our province has failed to have a new land management policy in place. The province is stuck in the past, where we bulldoze forests and clear lands to make as much use of it in agriculture as possible without leaving any wilderness behind. Wildlife and habitat management is integral to not only our environment, but also in respecting the traditional rights and territories of our Indigenous peoples. Manitoba Liberals recognize the need for new land management policies that adequately take into account the environment, wildlife and their habitat, and Indigenous peoples.
Dr. John Gerrard, Liberal Party, River Heights
It is disappointing that the deadline has not been met. I believe we need to start with a really good plan for one of the ranges, and then move quickly to achieve the remaining 14 action plans. I believe we have enough knowledge that the first plan can be done within the first year. Work on the other plans can be proceeding during this period, but based on the first completed plan, the others should be achievable at an accelerated pace, hopefully within the 18 months target.
Green Party of Manitoba

The Green Party of Manitoba central office sent a response on behalf of most of their candidates. See exceptions below.
The Green Party of Manitoba does not have a specific policy to cover the protection of Woodland caribou, that said, Greens will commit to not only producing an action plan but also implementing the plan, within 12 months of office.
Liz Clayton, Green Party of Manitoba, Agassiz
While we do not have a plan in place for this, our party will commit to an action plan within a year in office.
Martha Jo Willard, Green Party of Manitoba, Notre Dame
Yes, all necessary action plans to protect all species will be done within 18 months of the election. We need biodiversity to survive as much as we need to lower the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
Janine Gibson, Green Party Manitoba, Steinbach
Despite boreal woodland caribou protection under the federal Species at Risk Act, the Manitoba government has failed to meet the deadline to produce action plans to protect their habitat. I am committed to producing action plans for all 15 ranges of boreal caribou in Manitoba within 18 months of being elected.
Andrea Shalay, Green Party of Manitoba, Union Station
David Nickarz, Green Party Of Manitoba, Wolseley

No response.