Press releases

Wilderness and Water campaigner Eric Reder and Merick Young, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation, speak at the World Wilderness Congress
Wilderness and Water campaigner Eric Reder and Merick Young, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation, speak at the World Wilderness Congress
Uninstalled culverts sit beside damaged creek in Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Uninstalled culverts sit beside damaged creek in Duck Mountain Provincial Park [Eric Reder]
A group of people marching down the street, protesting Kinder Morgan and the Trans Mountain pipeline. End of image description.
Anti Kinder Morgan Pipeline Protest Rally and March, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Photo credit: Michael Wheatley
Gas flaring in northeastern B.C. blankets the sky with black smoke.
Gas flaring in northeastern B.C. blankets the sky with black smoke. [Peter McCartney]