10,000 Voices for BC Rivers to speak out on March 26

Sunday, March 22, 2009

For immediate release – Monday, March 23, 2009

10,000 Voices for BC Rivers to speak out on March 26
BC Citizens contacting Premier and MLAs in push to keep rivers wild and power public

Vancouver, BC – The Wilderness Committee, Canadas largest membership-based wilderness preservation organization, is participating in a major effort to get thousands of British Columbians to take action to protect the provinces rivers from being diverted into private hydropower plants.

The event, which is called "10,000 Voices for BC Rivers" will take place Thursday, March 26. It will involve thousands of British Columbians contacting Premier Gordon Campbell and their local MLA via fax, phone and email calling for a moratorium on private hydropower projects, and to express how much they want to keep BCs rivers wild and power public.

A diverse and growing cross-section of organizations including environmental groups, stream keepers and unions have come together to organize the web-based event. To see a list of the partners and information about the campaign go to 10000voices.org

"BCs many wild rivers and streams are a natural heritage that we all enjoy. Unfortunately, in 2002 the BC government banned BC Hydro, our Crown corporation, from developing new sources of hydropower, decreeing that all new power must come from private companies. This has lead to a gold rush mentality, with private operators staking almost 600 creeks and rivers throughout BC. Each one of these projects involves building river diversions, dams, powerhouses and many kilometers of roads and transmission lines," said Gwen Barlee, National Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee.

"The Wilderness Committee is calling for a moratorium on private power projects. We like our rivers wild and our power public. We are working with our partners to help British Columbians discover the power that their combined voices can have in stopping the privatization and destruction of our rivers and our publicly owned BC Hydro," said Joe Foy, National campaign director for the Wilderness Committee.

"Thousands have already signed up on the 10,000 Voices web site with more pouring in by the hour. Thursday should be quite a busy day at the Premiers office," said Foy.


For more information please visit 10000voices.org or contact:
Gwen Barlee, Wilderness Committee policy director, 604... (w) or 604-202-0322 (c) Joe Foy, Wilderness Committee national campaign director, 604-683-8220 (w) or 604-880-2580 (c)

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