Anti-Tar Sands Pipeline Demonstration at Chinese Consulate

What: As Prime Minister Harper visits China with a delegation of oil executives, environmentalists, First Nations and other concerned Canadians will be at the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver with a message for the people of China that Prime Minister Harper doesn't speak for all of us and that tar sands pipelines and oil tankers are a bad investment.
Statements for the media will take place out front of the Chinese Consulate in order to bring attention to the opposition in Canada to tar sands pipelines and oil exports through the west coast.
When: Wednesday, February 8th at 12 Noon
Where: Outside the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Vancouver (3380 Granville Street).
Who: Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner for the Wilderness Committee as well as other oil pipeline opponents.
Why: "We want to speak to the people of China directly so that we can work together to ensure that our govnerments do the right thing for both our countries and for everyone else worldwide. The proposed gateway pipeline and other tar sands infrastructure expansion projects are a gateway to global warming," said West.
The Wilderness Committee has begun collecting photo messages from people in Canada to the people of China using Facebook, Twitter and other online tools. At the demonstration at the Chinese consulate the Wilderness Committee will invite all Canadians who feel Prime Minster Harper is not representing them to take part in speaking directly to the international community about their concerns. To view the first photos that have been posted visit the Facebook Event Page.
For More Information Contact
Ben West, Wilderness Committee - (604) 710 5340