ATV trail proposal an assault on Manitoba parks

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Eric Reder

Tired destroyed by ATV tire tracks in Nopiming Provincial Park, 2016

Pallister’s government must stop allowing destruction of Nopiming

WINNIPEG – A proposal to authorize ATV trails will permanently damage Nopiming Provincial Park and shows how little Premier Brian Pallister cares about protecting provincial parks.

“ATVs are disruptive and destructive and have no place in a provincial park,” said Wilderness and Water Campaigner Eric Reder. “No one should have the right to disturb a provincial park for recreation. It’s against the spirit and letter of the Provincial Parks Act.

ATVs have a tremendous impact on natural areas. They disturb vegetation, soils, fisheries, water, birds and animals. In addition, the noise is disruptive to animals such as moose.

The first and only ATV trail in a provincial park was established in Duck Mountain Provincial Park in 2007. It has proven to be a spectacular failure, with vast stretches of wetland destroyed and the trails impassable without costly repairs.

“If these vehicles are not safe and peaceful enough to drive in the cities why would we allow them to drive in our natural parks?” asked Reder. “It’s simple really. Off-road vehicles have no place in a park, period. Commercial logging has no place in a park, period. Mining has no place in a park, period.”

Nopiming Provincial Park has never had a management plan, despite the legal requirement for one under the 1993 Provincial Parks Act. A Nopiming Provincial Park Draft Management Plan was published in 2015, but the government has not released a final plan based on their public consultations. 

“Despite Premier Pallister refusing to move on a management plan for Nopiming, as is required by the Provincial Parks Act, he has authorized extensive new mineral exploration to desecrate the park and now is promoting destructive ATV trails,” said Reder.

“In the era of climate chaos, and with a biodiversity crisis unfolding, increasing motorized disruptive activities in areas set aside for nature is a non-starter.”

Click here for background documents and B-roll.


For more information please contact: 

Eric Reder | Wilderness and Water Campaigner

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