BC Chamber Energy Summit Spurs Response from Critics

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Media Advisory - October 10, 2012

Tar sands opponents offer differing views on the question: "What's in a pipeline for BC?"

VANCOUVER – As oil industry representatives gather today to discuss controversial pipeline projects bound for BC—at an energy summit sponsored by pipeline proponents Enbridge and Kinder Morgan—environmentalists are voicing major concerns about the threats posed by oil pipelines and increased oil tanker traffic on the west coast.

The Wilderness Committee’s Healthy Communities Campaigner, Ben West, will be attending the conference and will be available to provide "the other side of the story" to counter the industry’s claims about economic opportunity and about the potential benefits some say these pipelines will provide for BC residents.

Allies opposed to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and Kinder Morgan’s new Trans Mountain pipeline proposal will also be holding a mock oil spill action and noise demonstration outside the summit, to draw attention to the very real risks and impacts associated with increased tar sands pipeline development in BC.

Where:  BC Chamber Energy Summit
              Hyatt Regency Hotel
              655 Burrard St., Vancouver

When:   Wednesday, Oct. 10
              12:45 p.m. (demonstration)


For more information contact:

Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner, Wilderness Committee – (604) 710-5340