BC Hydro to pay out losing Site C Dam bidders

Thursday, March 13, 2014

CKNW (Bill Good)

This is bound to raise the eyebrows of BC Hydro customers who are about to see rates climb 9% on April 1st.

The Crown corporation, Which is still seeking approval for a new dam in the Peace Valley, has already put the call out for contractors.

Project spokesman Dave Conway confirms two LOSING bidders will be paid 200-thousand dollars.

“One of those three pre-qualified contractors would win the award. The two remaining ones would receive $200,000 dollars for the amount of time and work that they have to put into this very extensive process.”

While Conway insists no work on the proposed Site C dam will start before next year, Joe Foy with the Wilderness Committee says British Columbians should be outraged.

“They should stand down and not be advertising for crew camps for a project that’s under review. Site C Dam is a huge white elephant.”

Foy says the proposed dam will destroy farmland, violate aboriginal rights and cost taxpayers too much money.

“The average citizen is going to think the fix is in!”

A joint federal-provincial review panel isn’t expected to release its findings until the end of April.

Read the original story...


Photo: The Peace River Valley near the Halfway River. Gerry Paille via Flickr. 

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