BCUC report a bombshell that bursts Site C dam project

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

For Immediate Release

VANCOUVER – The Wilderness Committee today is pointing to the damning evidence revealed in the newly released BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) report on the financial viability of the Site C dam project.

National Campaign Director Joe Foy didn’t mince words when describing the BCUC’s findings.
“Finally an independent competent body, the BCUC, has been allowed to review the Site C dam project. And now we have their report and it’s a clear description of an expensive white elephant publically funded mega-project gone rogue,” said Foy.
“The dam project is wildly over budget only 2 years into a 9-year schedule. The BCUC report shows costs will likely pass $10 billion and could end up 20 to 50 per cent over budget. This is a completely irresponsible waste of British Columbians’ hard earned money.”
The BCUC report found that increasingly viable alternative energy sources such as wind, geothermal and industrial reduction could provide similar benefits to ratepayers as the Site C project at equal or lower cost.
“The report also shows there is a high cost to ratepayers for building a project that is too big and produces too much power,” said Foy. “This is definitely the case with the Site C dam.”
In order to produce the report, the BCUC held a number of public meetings around the province and spoke to energy experts as well. From Sept 23 to Oct 11, the BCUC held 11 Community Input Sessions in nine communities. More than 80 per cent of the speakers were opposed to the dam.
“When you combine this report with the unacceptable impacts to farmland and First Nations rights, this dam project needs to stop,” said Foy. “There is only one thing for the BC government to do. Shut down Site C now and forever before another penny is wasted.“
For more information, please contact:
Joe Foy | National Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee
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