Bill C-38 Answers Oil and Gas Lobbyist Prayers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vancouver Observer

The controversial Bill C-38 is so suited to help the oil and gas industry that it may as well be called the "Lobbyists' Bill", say critics. 

"C-38 is a gift for oil and gas lobbyists," wrote Tom Korski in The Hill Times.

"Lobbyist Registry records show Cabinet members had 81 meetings with oil and gas lobbyists before the bill was introduced," he observed, saying the anonymously authored bill looked like it may as well have been ghostwritten by the Calgary Petroleum Club. 

"Bill C-38 seems tailored by industry lobbyists to make it easier to push through extremely controversial pipeline projects that would bring substantial risk to our rivers and our coast," Wilderness Committee campaigner Ben West commented.

To read the full story, click here.

Photo: Industrial activity in the oil sands, Fort McMurray, AB. Image by Eryn Rickard.

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