Budget shows low-carbon future is imminent

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

VANCOUVER – While the federal government invests in moving Canada towards a low-carbon economy, Budget 2017 throws good money after bad in its attempts to prop up a failing tar sands industry.

“This budget makes some significant investments in clean tech, public transit and green jobs – an acknowledgment that climate change is a top priority,” said Peter McCartney, Climate Campaigner at the Wilderness Committee. “Since this government clearly knows where the world is heading, why pretend like the tar sands have a future?”  

From tax credits for geothermal production to investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and building retrofits, much of the federal budget commits funding to green initiatives. It recognizes the necessity of working with Indigenous communities to embrace a low-carbon future and adapt to climate impacts. However, the government’s green-lighting of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and Pacific Northwest LNG terminal tell a different story.

“You can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth,” said McCartney. “They clearly understand the future is in green energy but in the next breath claim Canada will continue to export fossil fuels as if climate change wasn’t happening.”

After having promised to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, the budget instead shifts tax credits from exploration to development. It also hands $30 million to the Government of Alberta in a direct attempt to spur tar sands expansion.

“Tinkering around the edges of Canada’s $3.3 billion in fossil fuel subsidies continues public support for this failing sector,” said McCartney. “In 2017, when we’re already seeing famines and wars linked to climate change, not one red cent should be given to this polluting industry.”


For more information, please contact:

Peter McCartney | Climate Campaigner, Wilderness Committee

778-239-1935, peter@wildernesscommittee.org