Burns Bog Pilgrimage Puts Our Future Right Front Of Our Eyes

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Link

NORTH DELTA – Generally, people think that environment management is the Governments responsibility but to me it is  really  the responsibility of each and every one of us. If we want to leave a healthy heritage of environment for the generations to come then we have to act collectively to stop the exploitation, transportation and   ill-use of natural resources.  No doubt, the industrialization and rapid urbanization are creating pollution of water, air and soil.  Considering these vital and organic issues some of the pro-environmentalists formed a Burns Bog Conservation Society (BBCS) to protect the largest wilderness area of North America in urban setting-the Burns Bog.

The greedy developers and some silly political leaders are interested to destroy this “lungs of lower mainland”. Developers want to build expensive houses and Government wants to construct “South  Fraser Perimeter Road” through the Burns Bog.  Peat lands (bogs) are great air scrubbers which help the people of lower mainland to have fresh air; they play an important role in climate change and a treasure of unique species.
Most importantly, the BBCS has been challenging the sinister plots of Government by protesting and taking legal action against the imprudent decisions and is quite successful in protecting and preserving the Burns Bog. It tries to building the bridges with other environment groups to cultivate environment awareness.
Burns Bog pilgrimage is an annual festival in which people of diverse faith, gender, race, color, age and ethnic background take part. That day rain and chilly-weather on its 21st April annual event didn’t dampen the spirit of pilgrims and  more than 150 people assembled  on the entrance of Delta Nature Reserve, behind Planet Ice at 1.00PM.  The festival began with   the performance of Unitarian Choir headed by David Dalley and Jeremiah of  Delta Arts Council. People clapped and danced. Aline La Flame, a well known native spiritual leader and musician, with her group offered the prayer and welcomed the participants.
People at 2.00 PM started walking towards Sinking Tractor place where Eliza Olson, Chair of Society and Fred spoke on the importance of Burns Bog and Nick Epperson played cello. At the final stop-Cedar Grove Singers of the Sacred Web recited a couple of songs and Joe Foy and Ann Murray gave speech on environment issues. Acharya S.P.Dwivedi, the member of steering committee of Burns Bog Pilgrimage recited the Vedic peace prayer and offered its English translation.
Rob nicely emceed the function. Member of the organizing committee— Eliza, Janis, Rob, Nick, Lynn, Acharya, Wally and Karl put enormous time and energy to arranging this festival.  These groups displayed their literature- No Coal Exports, Heart & Spirit Action, Delta Arts Council, Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion, GO Against Port Expansion (GOAPE), Tzu Chi( Buddhist Peace Group) and BBCS.