Car Free Day Emphasizes Need for Transit – Not Tankers

Friday, June 15, 2012

Press Release - June 15, 2012

The Wilderness Committee is saying “No” to pipelines and tankers, and “Yes” to transportation alternatives that reduce dependence on oil

VANCOUVER – To celebrate Car Free Day this Sunday, June 17, the Wilderness Committee will join thousands of Vancouverites in the fight against climate change, showing support for transportation alternatives that help reduce our dependence on oil.

Automobiles remain the number one source of climate changing pollution in BC and across Canada. And currently, the Canadian government spends more than three times as much on roads than it does on all other forms of ground transportation combined.

Meanwhile, two major pipeline proposals threaten to turn the BC coast into a gateway for dirty tar sands exports – the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline to Kitimat, and Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

“British Columbians have a responsibility to stop new pipeline projects that aim to turn our province into a shipping port for the tar sands, which are a major concern for climate activists and citizens worldwide,” said Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner with the Wilderness Committee.

“This year on Car Free Day, we’re asking people to stand up for the climate and for the coast,” said West.

Wilderness Committee staff and volunteers will be present at two Car Free Day locations, encouraging citizens to speak out against the Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines, and to advocate for more investment in public transit and passenger rail.

What:      Car Free Day Festival
When:      Sunday, June 17, 2012

12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

   Commercial Drive, between Venables St. and North Grandview Hwy.
                Denman Street, between Davie St. and Robson St.


For more information contact:

Ben West, Wilderness Committee, Healthy Communities Campaigner: 604-710-5340

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