Concerns of industrial development with Park Amendment Act

Friday, March 28, 2014

News 1130

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Could it mean pipelines through your beloved BC parks?
Environmental groups are worried about legislation introduced this week called Bill 4 — the Park Amendment Act — and how it could impact what has always been protected land.
The province says the bill would allow permits for research to see if “future economic development projects may be feasible.”
“They’re also very, very, very specific in Bill 4 that all the research purposes could be used for logging roads and mining roads and transmission lines and oil and gas companies,” says Gwen Barlee with the Wilderness Committee.
Barlee says it’s been quietly introduced and the wording is vague; she claims it could mean anything from logging to possible pipeline right of ways.
“We’re going to allow oil and gas companies to do industrial research in parks and then, of course, we know what that enables. Then they’ll be turning around and asking for land to be taken out of the park.”
But the government insists pipelines and industrial development will not be allowed in parks and says permits would be considered only after thorough reviews. It also says the legislation will boost our film industry, by opening up BC parks to draw more production companies.
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