Damaged trails discovered in Nopiming Provincial Park

Thursday, October 13, 2016

WINNIPEG — The Wilderness Committee is highlighting continuing damage to Nopiming Provincial Park from off-road vehicle use and is calling for a strengthened management plan to be finalized

A weekend expedition  by the Wilderness Committee documented extensive impacts from off-road vehicles, which would  be controlled under the provincial government’s proposed new Management Plan for Nopiming Provincial Park.

“We observed huge mud holes that made hiking difficult, and multiple trails braiding all over on unregulated trails used by ATVs in the park” explained Eric Reder,  Wilderness Committee Manitoba Campaign Director “This would not be allowed in a properly managed park where trails are sited, designed, built and managed to a standard that prevents damage.”

The provincial government began consultation on creating a management plan for Nopiming Provincial Park in the fall of 2014. The Wilderness Committee produced a guiding document: A Greenprint for Nopiming at that time, which called for controls on ATVs, a halt to mining exploration, stricter controls on disruptive boating like jetskiing and wakeboarding, and an end to military training in the park. In October 2015, a Nopiming Provincial Park Draft Management Plan was released by the government for comment. The Wilderness Committee provided a critique of that Draft Plan, calling for strong ecological protection within the park.

“We are concerned that the transition documents prepared for the new incoming provincial government don't mention anything about the new Nopiming Provincial Park Management Plan that is due.” said Reder. “We're worried that the efforts put into designing a park management plan that will actually protect Nopiming Provincial Park are being shelved by the government.”

The Wilderness Committee is calling on the government to protect the beautiful wildness of Nopiming Provincial Park by releasing a strong final Management Plan for the park as soon as possible.

“This park is being sliced and diced through neglect, and it’s time to stop destructive activities with a strong management plan,” said Reder. “We get a better Manitoba through park protection.”


For more information, please contact:

Eric Reder | Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee
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