"Defend Our Coast" action at BC NDP leader's office

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Press Advisory - October 24, 2012

Coordinated anti-pipeline actions continue across BC to send message to provincial politicians of all stripes

VANCOUVER – After a massive demonstration brought thousands of British Columbians to the Legislature on Monday to demand that the provincial government say "No" to both the proposed Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines, the unified anti-pipeline and tanker campaign will continue today with coordinated actions including one at the office of BC NDP leader Adrian Dix. Today’s rally is part of the BC-wide Defend Our Coast day of action, during which citizens across the province will be gathering outside BC MLA offices to link arms and display the “unbroken wall of opposition” to both proposed pipelines to the coast.

WHAT: Over 60 different simultaneous community actions have been confirmed across BC, including a rally outside Premier Christy Clark’s Point Grey headquarters and at many other BC Liberal and NDP MLA offices. Pipeline critics are calling on opposition leader Adrian Dix because although the provincial NDP have taken a strong position opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, there has yet to be a strong stance taken by any party when it comes to the Kinder Morgan pipeline proposal. 

"It's a good first step that the NDP has decided to take back control of the environmental assessment process for both the Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines, which gives them the tools needed to stop these projects. What we would like to see is a clear and consistent position from the Leader of the Opposition that he will oppose both of these pipelines that would threaten our coast and our economy," said Ben West, campaigner for the Wilderness Committee.

WHEN:              12:00 pm

WHERE:           Adrian Dix MLA – Vancouver-Kingsway Constituency Office
                           5022 Joyce Street, Vancouver
                          (view map)



For more information contact:

Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner, Wilderness Committee – (604) 710-5340


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