Do You...Know Caribou?
Guest Blog
Christmas is threatened this year! Did you know caribou are the same species as reindeer? That means Santa can’t fly his sled without the woodland caribou!
Did you know that woodland caribou are key indicators of the health of a forest? Caribou are naturally shy creatures who are being pushed out of their habitats by development.
Destroying caribou habitat doesn’t make much cents. Let’s not leave the fate of the caribou to a flip of a quarter.
There’s no caribou without your care; you need to get the facts, get involved, and get green. It is our job as a society to use our voices to get the message out, to protect woodland caribou. Ensure the Manitoba government keeps their promise to protect boreal woodland caribou. To help them, send a letter to government to raise awareness. Pass this letter-writing tool on to everyone you know to help spread the word. Christmas is the season for giving; give the forests back to woodland caribou.
Ne soyez pas fou, protegez le caribou.
(PS Reindeers Rule)
Also, this:
Reindeer Rap
Reindeers can't fly, but that doesn't mean that they should die
Keep the population high,
the Canadian Woodlands they signify
Why can't the government try
to keep their promise and justify,
their decision to protect and conserve
the boreal forests, give the reindeer back the habitat that they deserve
--Sisler Sustainability Circle
This guest blogpost was written at the 2012 Greenspace Youth Conference, by members of the following schools: Dakota Collegiate, College Churchill, Gimli High, St, Mary’s Academy, Sisler High, College Beliveau, Maples Collegiate, Garden City Collegiate, Kelvin High School.