Does an industrial salmon farm larger than two football fields seem massive to you?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mainstream Canada wants to build a massive, new salmon farm in Clayoquot Sound. They have applied for tenure rights for a whoping 56 hectares off the coast of the beautiful Meares Island, in the heart of Clayoquot.

We have been sending out action alerts to our membership and creating a buzz using social media. Together we have generated over 250 letters opposing this new salmon farm.

All this attention has sparked the interest of Mainstream Canada's public relations staff, who have taken issue with our use of the word "massive".

Mainstream's Communications Office complained, asserting that the actual salmon farm would be the size of more than two football fields. That still sounds pretty massive to us, and we know well what kind of damage even smaller salmon farms can do to wild salmon and other marine life.

What do you think?

You still have time to let Mainstream Canada and the provincial government know what you think about this fish farm - the deadline for comments is July 22nd.

We encourage you to feel free to use words like 'massive', 'huge' or just plain old 'large'.

Please send this message to your friends, colleges, casual acquaintances, your mother’s dog walker – pretty much any one you know.

Our oceans do not need another polluting salmon farm. Enough is enough. It is time to draw a line in the sand. We need to get salmon farms OFF our coast altogether; the last thing we need is another massive fish farm in the heart of beautiful Clayoquot Sound.

Let’s take a stand now for the future of our wild salmon.

Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

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