Earth Day Parade takes on Kinder Morgan - Sunday in Vancouver

Friday, April 20, 2012

VANCOUVER -- Following on a week of bad news announcements when it comes to environmental protection and climate change, high school students calling themselves Youth for Climate Justice Now (Y4CJN) are joining with the Wilderness Committee to host Vancouver’s Earth Day Parade and Celebration this Sunday, April 22.

The major focus of the day’s activities will be opposition to oil pipelines and tankers on the Pacific coast. The public is invited to join the parade, which will get underway Sunday, 11a.m. at the Commercial Drive Skytrain Station (just north of Broadway).

“Just last week the US-based corporation Kinder Morgan announced plans to nearly triple their pipeline capacity, which would mean about one giant oil tanker per day in the waters of Burrard Inlet,” said Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner for the Wilderness Committee. The Kinder Morgan expansion, aimed at exporting crude oil piped from the Alberta tar sands, would see the pipeline expand to a capacity of 850,000 barrels per day.

“This means that the biggest environmental struggle of our generation is coming right into Vancouver’s backyard,” said West. “So this Sunday is great timing for this second annual Earth Day action organized by a really inspiring group of young people.”

Rueben George of the Tsleil-Waututh First Nation will be doing an opening and speaking against Kinder Morgan’s plans. Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson will also be among the speakers at the Celebration, which will take place starting around 12 Noon Sunday at Grandview Park on Commercial Drive. Robertson has said he is “fiercely opposed” to Kinder Morgan’s plans, citing concern about a massive oil spill that could impact local wildlife and the city’s treasured Stanley Park. The mayor of Burnaby, Derek Corrigan, and many other municipalities across BC have also expressed their opposition.

Y4CJN are aiming to collect 10,000 signatures on a petition opposing the pipeline and tankers, and they are also working to educate the public about the Save the Fraser Declaration, a statement of opposition to pipelines and tar sands exports signed by over 130 First Nations communities.

“High school students, First Nations, local mayors, public opinion -- Kinder Morgan is soon going to learn they are not in Texas anymore,” said Ben West. “This Sunday’s Earth Day action will be another step for the growing movement opposed to tar sands pipelines and tankers.”



Ben West, Wilderness Committee, Healthy Communities Campaigner: 604-710-5340

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