The Earth won’t survive leaders like Premier Brian Pallister

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Logging machines in Duck Mountain Provincial Park

New report links biodiversity and climate crises with the need to protect more nature in Manitoba

WINNIPEG - An environmental watchdog is calling for an urgent increase in park and peatlands protection in order to safeguard against impending biodiversity and climate crises. 

The Wilderness Committee released a new report today condemning the actions of the current Manitoba government as they continue to permit logging and mining in provincial parks. Their inaction comes at a time when thousands of scientists around the world are calling for protecting species, lands and waters. 

“This government is absolutely failing to protect parks and nature at a time when they are our number one tool to counter the looming biodiversity and climate crises,” said Wilderness and Water Campaigner Eric Reder. “Our future is tied to preserving more nature and wilderness in Manitoba.” 

The Future is Wild also calls for a bold new goal of protecting two-thirds of the province’s peatlands by 2030 as an essential component for Manitoba to be a climate leader. Peatlands are the most carbon-rich terrestrial ecosystem on Earth and they make up one-third of the province. Preserving them is one of the greatest steps the province can take to halt global warming. 

“We have a critical responsibility in Manitoba to care for the most carbon-rich lands on Earth. Protecting our peatlands will affect the climate all over the planet,” said Reder. 

Recent grave reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services state the imminent risks posed by climate change and the loss of nature are challenging the survival of humanity. At the same time, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has abandoned protected area goals most jurisdictions on the planet are striving to achieve. 

“Protected area policies in the province are being crippled,” said Reder. “Our province has the opportunity to be a world leader in preserving nature because of the amount of wilderness we have.”

The report goes on to highlight that the only way for us to solve the climate and biodiversity crises is for individuals to become involved in their community and raise their voices for nature.

“Business as usual politicians will not lead us out of this problem. We need to come together as a community does when they are facing disaster, and talk through a vision for a better future for nature and for our climate,” emphasized Reder.


For more information, please contact:

Eric Reder | Wilderness and Water Campaigner
204 997 8584,

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