Enbridge proposes improvement to controversial pipeline

Friday, July 20, 2012

News 1130

Says new design would increase thickness of the pipeline's walls at river crossings


CALGARY - Calgary-based Enbridge Inc. says it's ready to improve the design of the Northern Gateway pipeline to address concerns raised by Aboriginal groups and others.
The company (TSX:ENB) says the changes for the proposed pipeline through British Columbia would use the most advanced technology and safety measures.
Among other things, Enbridge says its new design would increase the thickness of the pipeline's walls at river crossings.
Enbridge says it would also increase the number inspections it does by at least 50 per cent and staff pumping stations in remote locations around the clock.

Meanwhile, our premier has come out with her strongest statements yet on the proposed pipeline and her Alberta counter-part is not pleased.
Christy Clark tells PostMedia News the project poses a very large risk to BC with little benefit, at least right now.
She has consistently refused to take a stand on the project, something Alberta Premier Alison Redford calls incredibly frustrating.
Other critics of Northern Gateway have said they're worried about the potential environmental risks it faces within British Colombia and in coastal waters.

The Wilderness Committee's Ben West says some risks are simply outside the oil company's control.

"Like acts of god, natural disasters, things like that. Anybody who tells you that any pipeline is safe is really not telling you the truth--really the question is are we willing to take the risks," he says.

He says there are ruptures on every major pipeline.

"It's part of doing business. There's an expectation that oil will spill whether you're talking about pipelines or tankers. It's just a dirty and dangerous business, period."
Enbridge says the improvements will cost an additional $400 million to $500 million.

A US report on an Enbridge pipeline leak in Michigan two years ago said the company's response was like the Keystone Cops silent-film comedies.


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