Enormous crowd at Defend Our Coast demonstration undeterred by "a little rain"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Vancouver Observer

"A little rain isn't stopping this enormous crowd," @DefendOurCoast tweeted a few minutes ago.

Author Tzeporah Berman is one of the three thousand people  gathered in the rain right now at the Defend Our Coast demonstration outside the BC legislature. 

The crowd is in Victoria to protest the Enbridge Inc. proposed Northern Gateway pipeline.

"It's time for citizens from all walks of life to take a stance," Berman told The Vancouver Observer by phone from the demonstration.

"The fact that thousands are willing to take the day off to voice their concerns should signal to the people around this country to take notice that it's too risky and too dangerous to build the pipeline."

Ben West, a Wilderness Committee campaigner, is also at the demonstration.

"I'm hoping folks far and wide can see this rally and that it emboldens them to get involved."

To read the full story, click here.

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