Environment group gets creative competing with oil ads

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

News 1130

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - An environmental group says it doesn't have the same advertising dollars that big oil companies have to promote projects in BC.  However, it says it has its own way of getting its message out. 

"So what we are doing is organizing a series of town hall meetings all around the lower mainland area," says Ben West with the Wilderness Committee.

He adds they are also getting word out through their Facebook and Twitter accounts.  "We are planning on really getting into the communities and talking to people about what kind of future they want for the province of BC and if they think that is appropriate."

This comes as the NDP says 25,000 British Columbians have signed a petition opposing the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project.  That project involves a new twin pipeline system running from Alberta to a new marine terminal in Kitimat.

NDP Leader Adrian Dix says it's clear opposition is mounting against the company.  "The growing number of British Columbians joining with us shows people agree BC would take all of the risks, but reap none of the rewards of the Enbridge pipeline, so we're setting a new target of 35,000 signatures in the coming weeks."

Meanwhile, Premier Christy Clark has refused to take a position on the pipeline, but has insisted her government will be asking some tough questions at some of Enbridge's hearings.

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