Former Manitoba Mine Contaminating Wetlands: Wilderness Committee

Monday, July 28, 2014

Chris D Winnipeg News and Media

The Wilderness Committee has drawn attention to a polluted bog in a northern Manitoba park wetland.

The committee says toxicity tests conducted on water from the site of a decommissioned mine in Grass River Provincial Park have revealed serious and ongoing water quality issues. They say extremely high concentrations of several toxic substances were found, posing a threat to aquatic life.

Water samples were collected by the Wilderness Committee from a bog at the former Spruce Point Mine site, and were assessed by an independent lab in Winnipeg. The mine, operated by HudBay Minerals until it was closed in 1993, has since been heralded by the company and by the Manitoba government as a success story when it comes to mine remediation.

MiningWatch Canada confirmed that the water was “extremely toxic and well above established guidelines for the protection of aquatic life for eleven different parameters.”

Read the original story...



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