Glacier Howser fate in question

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

KBS Radio

Proponent has to apply for another agreement with BC Hydro

The fate of the controversial Glacier Howser private power project is now in question after Axor the proponent chose not to renew their Electricity Purchase Agreement with BC Hydro....

The company's original agreement with BC Hydro expired...leaving the Axor on the hook for a number of fines while in the application stage

Raelynn Gibson from the West Kootenay Ecosociety calls the project an environmental disaster.  

Gibson says she is doubtful BC hydro will enter into another agreement with such strong public opposition to the project.

Gibson says a purchase agreement between BC Hydro and independent power companies gives projects the financial security to move ahead...and without an agreement in place the Glacier Howser project may no longer be financially viable

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