Government's Climate and Green Plan waste of time and money

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

WINNIPEG - The Wilderness Committee is calling out the Manitoba government’s Climate and Green Plan survey as a waste of money and opportunity because of its unregulated format.

The survey — which was launched online earlier this month — can be filled out numerous times by the same individual and there is no restriction on people from outside Manitoba completing the survey, which means the data that is collected is useless for policy guidance.  

“It is stunning that these glaring flaws weren’t considered before the survey was published,” said Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee. “This survey either demonstrates incompetence or more likely, destructive disdain for climate action and environmental protection.”

The Manitoba government has refused to sign onto national action on climate change, instead stating they would be creating a Made in Manitoba plan.

“This Made in Manitoba plan survey is a weak effort and a wasted opportunity,” said Reder. “We don’t have time to delay climate action — we need better from the Manitoba government.”

The Wilderness Committee is calling on the Manitoba government to lead a robust public discussion which highlights the dangerous climate chaos our reliance on fossil fuels is causing. They are also calling for an aggressive plan to quickly transition Manitoba to a low carbon economy, which Manitoba can do by turning down destructive projects like the Energy East and Line 3 pipelines.


For more information, please contact:
Eric Reder | Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee