Greenprint for Nopiming Provincial Park Management released

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

News Release - October 28, 2014

Wilderness Committee document provides guidance for new Nopiming Park Management Plan

WINNIPEG – Ahead of the Manitoba government’s production of a management plan for Nopiming Provincial Park, the Wilderness Committee released a guidance document today entitled A Greenprint for Nopiming. The document outlines key issues that must be addressed in order to preserve nature and wilderness in Nopiming.

“When Nopiming Provincial Park was established, it was an incredible wilderness destination,” said Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee. “In the ensuing decades, some of that wilderness has been lost because of the activities we allow in the park. This Greenprint shows how to maintain the wild nature experience that people love about Nopiming.”

The Manitoba government is gathering feedback to produce a Park Management Plan for Nopiming – its first such public plan for this park. The deadline for public consultation submissions ahead of the production of a draft management plan is this Friday, October 31, 2014.

There are seven priorities listed in A Greenprint for Nopiming, including limiting the impacts of mining activity, the military, all-terrain vehicles and motorboats. The expansion of Nopiming to encompass woodland caribou habitat and the lower Bird River is also included in the document.

“The Wilderness Committee has been on the ground in Nopiming since our office opened here in 1999, and I’ve been coming to the park since it was established in 1976. We’ve spoken to outfitters, business owners, cottagers and park visitors about Nopiming,” said Reder “If it’s taken into account by the Manitoba government, this Greenprint will help ensure that our park remains healthy for generations to come.” 

For more information, contact: 
Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee
204-997-8584 (cell) 
Background information: 
A Greenprint for Nopiming: Maintaining Nature and Wilderness in the Nopiming Provincial Park Management Plan
Images are available upon request.
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