Groups urge Prime Minister to not support Site C as climate change solution

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 17, 2015

The Wilderness Committee, along with our allies, sent the Prime Minister a letter urging him not to support the Site C dam as a climate solution. The coalition of environmental groups asked that the new federal government keep the 8.8-billion dollar project out of Canada’s climate strategy at the upcoming Paris climate conference, highlighting that this destructive dam is not a climate change solution.

The BC government has touted Site C as a clean energy project and approved the construction this past summer, despite opposition from Treaty 8 First Nations and local governments across the province.

What is even more troubling is the joint provincial-federal review process did not conduct an assessment of Site C’s overall carbon contribution. When the loss of carbon from carbon sinks, like forests and farmland, and the use of the energy to facilitate the extraction of natural gas through fracking is factored in the project becomes a negative contributor to climate change mitigation.

If BC and Canada want to be climate leaders, the federal government cannot give support to the BC government’s Site C dam in Paris.

To read the letter, click here.

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