Hard-hitting Federal EA Report on proposed New Prosperity Mine must result in rejection, says Wilderness Committee

Friday, November 01, 2013

News Release - November 1, 2013

VANCOUVER - The Wilderness Committee is celebrating the release of the Federal Environmental Assessment Report on Taseko Mines Ltd.'s proposed New Prosperity Mine, located west of Williams Lake, BC.

“We’ve made some harsh criticisms of this mine project in the past, and after reading this report we feel vindicated,” said Joe Foy, National Campaign Director of the Wilderness Committee. “We think that this report is even more critical than the Federal EA report on Taseko’s original failed mine project back in 2010,” he said.

Taseko’s proposed Prosperity Mine was firmly rejected by Canada’s Environment Minister in 2010, after a scathing report listed the mine project’s potential impacts on the environment including the loss of Fish Lake, an abundant fishing lake in the proposed mine area. The proposed mine would have interfered with First Nation's rights to access and use their territory, and protect cultural and heritage sites. Shortly thereafter, Taseko applied for a new Federal Environmental Assessment on a reworked mine proposal the company called “New Prosperity” which promised to preserve Fish Lake. The Federal Environmental Report just issued is the result of the second assessment.
“This second report proves that there is no safe way to build this mine without severely damaging the environment and First Nation's territory,” said Foy. “The panel report says that the project would result in significant adverse effects on the water of Fish Lake as well as other lakes in the region,” he said.
The proposed mine is located in Tsilhqot’in Nation Territory, within the Fish Lake Watershed. The Tsilhqot’in Nation and neighbouring First Nations strongly oppose the mine project because of its potential impacts. Many organizations across Canada support the Tsilhqot’in Nation’s stand.
“People all across Canada are looking forward to a speedy decision by the federal Environment Minister based on this report," said Foy. "Surely the time has come for the federal government to reject this damaging project once and for all,” Foy said.
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For more information, contact:
Joe Foy, National Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee – (604) 880-2580 
Photo: Fish Lake
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