Join Us For The Last Trail Building Trip of The 2016 Season

We've had a busy summer in the woods, with six trail building trips to Clayoquot Sound and the Walbran Valley!
Working alongside Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks guardians and members of the Friends of Carmanah-Walbran, our volunteer crews have installed hundreds of meters of new boardwalk in incredible old-growth rainforests.
Halfway through the season, our Campaigner Torrance Coste wrote this blog outlining why our trail building projects are so important.
And now, we've decided to add another trip to the Walbran Valley!
What: Trip to build and improve trail into threatened rainforest in the Central Walbran Valley
When: Friday, September 9th – Sunday, September 11th
Unfortunately, logging company Teal Jones and the BC government still haven't accepted that there is no social license to cut into the heart of southern Vancouver Island's last intact rainforest.
So we're teaming up again with the Friends of Carmanah-Walbran to continue to make it easier for the public to get in and see this rare ecological gem for themselves!
We’ve used trail building as a key tactic in successful campaigns for decades, and we’re gearing up for another active spring and summer.
These trips are challenging but rewarding experiences, and we guarantee you'll connect with the rainforest in a big way.
This trip will be led by Wilderness Committee staff, with the trail work directed by the Friends of Carmanah/Walbran. Volunteer groups of 12-14 will leave Victoria early on Friday morning, returning Sunday evening. Volunteers are responsible for their own food and camping equipment (trail building supplies will be provided). Some camping/hiking experience is preferred, and a moderate to high level of physical fitness is required. Campsites are near to vehicles – so these trips will essentially be car camping.
We’ll need one to three other drivers with vehicles that can handle rough logging roads in order to make these trips happen.
Sign up for trail building!
Are you in?
Please contact Emily, who coordinates volunteers for Wilderness Committee’s trail work program on Vancouver Island. You can reach her at
She’ll answer any questions you might have, set you up with a list of required gear, send you the health form and waiver, and get you registered for a trip. Be sure to let us know whether you have a vehicle and where you’ll be joining us from.
Can’t wait to hear from you!