Justice for Wild Salmon

This Monday is an incredible opportunity to stand up for wild salmon and send a strong message to the federal government that it is time to get fish farms off our coast.
On Monday, October 25th, the Cohen Inquiry into the decline of the 2009 Fraser River Sockeye will open evidentiary hearings. Justice Bruce Cohen’s investigations and recommendations will help determine whether we, as a country, will make saving wild salmon a priority.
Wild salmon need our help. Over the last ten years the returning salmon of the major Fraser River Sockeye run is significantly down.Salmon runs all over the province have been impacted by loss of habitat, urban sprawl and a host of other issues. These issues are as complex and as interconnected as the ecosystems that depend on them. From orcas to grizzly bears to old growth forests - so much of the stunning beauty this province has to offer depends on wild salmon to feed it. When wild salmon suffer, we all suffer.
This is why the impacts the industrial fish farms are having on our wild salmon is unacceptable. The peer reviewed science linking sea lice and disease outbreaks to declines in wild salmon stocks all over the world is irrefutable. We have seen the impact in our own waters, and thousands of people have stood up to tell the fish farms it is time to get out.
Justice Bruce Cohen, and the Cohen Inquiry, has an enormous opportunity to join with us and stand up for wild salmon. But this won’t happen without all of us making our voices heard. We must make it clear to Justice Cohen that thousands of people are watching his decisions, and supporting him in this difficult job.
On Monday October 25th, take a lunch break for Wild Salmon. Join us from 12-1 at the Vancouver Art Gallery, just steps away from where the Cohen Inquiry is happening. Speakers will include Alexandra Morton, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Chief Bob Chamberlain and more!
Together we we send a strong message: it is time for Justice for Wild Salmon.
Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee