Justice for Wild Salmon Rally!

On Monday, October 25th, join Alexandra Morton and thousands of people demanding justice for wild salmon!
Monday, October 25th
12 noon
Vancouver Art Gallery
The Cohen inquiry into sockeye salmon, looking into the collapse of the 2009 Fraser sockeye run, is opening evidentiary hearings on Monday October 25th. It’s investigations and recommendations will help determine the future of how we, as a nation, will deal with wild salmon. The Cohen inquiry is an enormous opportunity for the truth to come out about fish farms, and what they are doing to our wild salmon.
For years, the fish farm lobby has dodged the truth about the impact of industrial salmon farms on our wild salmon runs. They have attacked the reputations of independent scientists, have mounted expensive PR campaigns to confuse the issue, and have denied any problems to the public. They refuse to release the complete data about diseases in their farms, because they know that the truth would ruin their destructive industry.
The truth about industrial fish farms and their impact on wild salmon stocks must come out: the information that the fish farm operators have hidden for years should be made public. But this won’t happen without all of us making our voices heard. We must make it clear to Justice Cohen that thousands of people are watching his decisions, and supporting him in this difficult job. The wild salmon that feed communities, sustain First Nations culture, create jobs and nurture the web of life in our province need him to take the right action. We know that Fraser sockeye can return in spectacular abundance. They need us to stand up and speak for them.
The fish farm lobby is inside the process, trying to keep the truth from coming out. We must stand up and make sure that our voices are louder than theirs. On Monday, October 25th, join us on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery as 12 noon for the opening of the Cohen inquiry. Demand justice for wild salmon.
Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee