Keeping Up the Pressure at Kinder Morgan Info Sessions

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Kinder Morgan has now begun holding “public information sessions” in a number of BC communities along the Trans Mountain pipeline route. Not surprisingly, recent sessions in the Lower Mainland have been severely lacking in the information department—the company is not even offering detailed community-level maps of the route through local neighbourhoods.

Scroll to bottom of page for full list of upcoming info sessions

Instead of providing meaningful dialogue about their controversial pipeline proposal, these sessions are being used by the company as a sort of “focus group” to gauge support and opposition. It’s a way to help formulate a better strategy to sell the idea to the public when the company eventually applies to the National Energy Board (NEB) at the end of next year.

People need to understand that these sessions are not part of a government assessment process. Kinder Morgan has yet to provide details of their plan to the NEB, and when they do, there will be a federal review (and potentially a provincial one as well, depending on the outcome of next year’s election).

That said, we still need to keep the pressure on Kinder Morgan and use every opportunity we can to let this company know how strongly we feel that this project should not go ahead. There are several “info sessions” coming up in other BC communities, including three happening next week in Vancouver. The Wilderness Committee and our allies will be there to help share the other side to Kinder Morgan’s story, and to counter their false claims about pipeline safety, jobs and community engagement.

Here are the details about the upcoming Vancouver sessions:

November 13

East Vancouver

Pacific National Exhibition (PNE), Hastings Room
2901 East Hastings Street

5pm - 8pm

November 15


Harbour Centre, Segal Hall
515 West Hastings Street

5pm - 8pm

November 17

West Point Grey

Aberthau Mansion

4397 West 2nd Avenue

5pm - 8pm


We’ll be hanging out outside these events, supplementing the company’s information with maps and resources of our own. I urge you to come join us, to ask the tough questions and add your voice to the growing opposition to this project. For details on info sessions happening in other communities, see the complete list below.

Just remember, if you do attend, don’t “sign in” or fill out one of the company’s consultation forms. These could be counted by Kinder Morgan as part of the “consultation” requirement for their formal application to the government—and we don’t want to add false legitimacy to this process.

Let’s remind Kinder Morgan that our communities and coastlines are not for sale!


Ben West | Healthy Communities Campaigner



List of Kinder Morgan Info Sessions:

November 7

West Vancouver

Kay Meek Centre

1700 Mathers Avenue

4pm - 7pm

November 7


Wells Gray Inn

228 E. Yellowhead Hwy

5pm - 8pm

November 10

Bowen Island

Bowen Island Community School

1041 Mt Gardner Road

2:30 - 4:30pm

November 13

East Vancouver

Pacific National Exhibition (PNE), Hastings Room
2901 East Hastings Street

5pm - 8pm

November 15


Harbour Centre, Segal Hall
515 West Hastings Street

5pm - 8pm

November 17

West Point Grey

Aberthau Mansion

4397 West 2nd Avenue

5pm - 8pm

November 17


Sandman Hotel

32720 Simon Avenue

1pm - 4pm

November 20


Centennial Secondary School, Courtyard

570 Poirier Street

5pm - 8pm

November 21


Ellendale Elementary School

14525 110A Avenue

5pm - 8pm

November 22 Langley

Walnut Grove Secondary School

8919 Walnut Grove Drive

5pm - 8pm
November 24 Burnaby (#1)

Stoney Creek Community School

2740 Beaverbrook Crescent

1pm - 4pm
November 26 Burnaby (#2)

Eagle Creek Restaurant at Burnaby Mountain Golf Course

7600 Halifax Street

5pm - 8pm
November 27 Chilliwack

Best Western Rainbow Country Inn

43791 Industrial Way

5pm - 8pm
November 28 Hope

C. E. Barry Intermediate School

444 Queen Street

5pm - 8pm
November 29 Abbotsford

Straiton Community Hall

4698 Upper Sumas Mountain Road

5pm - 8pm
December 4 Nanaimo

Beban Park Social Centre - Rooms 1, 2, and 3

2300 Bowen Road

5pm - 8pm
December 5 Greater Victoria

Cedar Hill Recreation Centre, Art 1 Room

3220 Cedar Hill Rd

5pm - 8pm
December 6 West Shore

Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre, Fieldhouse Lower Area

1767 Island Highway

5pm - 8pm
December 8 Saanich Peninsula

Saanichton Learning Centre, Gymnasium

1649 Mount Newton Cross Road

1pm - 3pm


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